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whole evening until closing  time. At lunchtime you can get sandwiches.
                            In the evening many pubs serve "basket meals" (especially chicken and
                            chips served in a basket) at the bar. Some pubs have restaurants where
                            you can get a complete meal.
                                 Among the traditional dishes you’ll find available at many pubs are
                            the following:
                                  Bangers and mash – sausages and mashed potatoes. Filling and
                                  Bubble and squeak – cabbage and premashed potatoes. Chopped
                                   and fried into a delicious hash. Usually eaten with cold meat.
                                  Cornish  pastry  –  pastry  pillow  bulging  with  meat,  onion  and
                                  Cottage  pie  –  minced  meat  with  onion,  covered  with  a  thick
                                   layer of pre-mashed potatoes, then baked.
                                  Pork  pie  –  minced  pork    in  aspic  jelly  and  thick  pastry  crust.
                                   Served cold
                                  Scotch eggs – hard boil eggs rolled in sausage meat and bread-
                                crumbs and deep fried. Serves hot or cold.
                                  Shepherd’s pie – very similar to cottage pie, but usually  made
                                   with beef or lamb.
                                  Steak-and-kidney pie/pudding –a mainstay of the British diet for
                                   centuries. A rich  mixture  of steak and  kidney  with a pastry of
                                   suet  pudding  crust.  Sometimes  includes  mushrooms-or  even
                                   oysters. A pub favourite.
                                  Veal, ham and egg pie - similar in presentation to pork pie, with
                                   minced veal and ham surrounding hard-boiled eggs.
                                    Good  humour  and  good  temper  give  English  pubs  their
                            character. If you go there regularly, the owner will try to  get to  know
                            you. He  will remember  what you usually  drink and  may become  your
                            personal friend. The pub is the place where you meet people. You get to
                            know other regulars. Each pub has its own customers who go there every
                            night, to drink one or two pints, slowly, and to have a game of dominoes
                            or  to  play  darts.  Most  pubs  have  a  piano  and  on  Saturday  night  the
                            customers  may  gather  round  it  and  sing.  The  songs  they  sing  are  the
                            same all over England.


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