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                                  demand,  require,  claim,  order,  command,  dictate,  prescribe,  enjoin,
                                  adjure,  exorcise,  forbid,  prohibit,  interdict,  proscrice,  commission,
                                  charge,  suggest,  propose,  warn,  advise,  caution,  alert,  alarm,
                                  recommend,  permit,  allow,  authorize,  consent,  invoke,  imprecate,
              Declaratives        declare, renounce, disclaim, disown, resign, repudiate, disavow, retract,
              (85)                abdicate, abjure, deny, disinherit, yield, surrender, capitulate, approve,
                                  confirm,  sanction,  ratify,  homologate,  bless,  curse,  dedicate,
                                  consecrate,  disapprove,  stipulate,  name,  call,  define,  abbreviate,
                                  nominate,  authorize,  license,  install,  appoint,  establish,  institute,
                                  inaugurate,  convene,  convoke,  open,  close,  suspend,  adjourn,
                                  terminate, dissolve, denounce, vote, veto, enact, legislate, promulgate,
                                  decree, confer, grant, bestow, accord, cede, rule, adjudge, adjudicate,
                                  condemn, sentence, damn, clear, acqui, disculpate, exonerate, pardon,
                                  forgive,  absolve,  cancell,  annul,  abolish,  abrogate,  revoke,  repeal,
                                  rescind, retract, sustain, bequeath, baptize, excommunicate.
              Expressives         approve, compliment, praise, laud, extol, plaudit, appaud, acclaim, brag,
              (28)                boast, complain, disapprove,  blame, reprove,  deplore,  protest,  grieve,
                                  mourn,  lament,  rejoice,  cheer,  boo,  condole,  congratulate,  thank,
                                  apologize, greet, welcome.

                                               Recommended  Readings

              1. Austin J.L.,  (1962). How to do things with words. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
              2. Searle, J.R. (1969). Speech acts. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
              3. Searle, J.R. (1975).  Indirect speech acts. In P. Cole and J.L. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and
                semantics 3: Speech acts, pp. 59-82. New York: Academic Press.
              4. Searle, J.R. (1976). The classification of illocutionary acts. Language in Society, 5, 1-24.
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