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              Formula type            Addressee         Syntactic type    Primary    Surface SP      Token
              6. Hint  –  S  hints  a  Persons  with  shared  Any        Directive   Asser-tion/  I  don’t  see  X
                request          rules    such    as                     action      Any         here.    What
                                 members     of   the                                            about the X?
                                 family,  people  living
                                 together,      work

                     Directives can be oriented to various  elements of the request matrix (Blum-Kulka
              and Olshtain 1984:203):
              1. Hearer-oriented: Could you help me?
              2. Speaker-oriented: Do you think I could borrow your book?
              3. Speaker and hearer-oriented: Could we please clean up?
              4. Impersonal: it might be a good idea to get it done.
                     Directives can be mitigated through various types of linguistic devices (Blum-Kulka
              and Olshtain 1984:203-205):
              1.  Syntactic downdraders or mitigation:
                  a)  Interrogative: Could you do the cleaning up?
                  b)  Negation: I wonder if you wouldn’t mind dropping me home?
                  c)  Past tense: I wanted to ask you for a postponent.
                  d)  Enbedded “if’ clause: I would appreciate if you left me alone.
              2.  Pragmatic mitigation:
                  a)  Consultative devices (indirectly asking for addressee’s cooperation): Do you think I
                     could borrow your notes from yesterday?
                  b)  Understaters (minimizing requests): Could you tidy up a bit before I start?
                  c)  Hedges (avoiding commitment): It would really help if you did something about the
                  d)  Downtoner  (signalling  possibility  or  noncompliance):  Will  you  perhaps  be  able  to
                     drive me?

                                                            Searle’ s Taxonomy
              Assertives (70)  assert,  reassert,  negate,  deny,  correct,  claim,  affirm,  state,  disclaim,
                                  declare,  tell,  suggest,  guess,  hypothesize,  conjecture,  postulate,
                                  predict,  forecast,  foretell,  prophesy,  vaticinate,  report,  retrodict,  warn,
                                  forewarn, advise, alert, alarm, remind, describe, inform, reveal, divulge,
                                  divulgate,  notify,  insinuate,  sustain,  insist,  maintain,  assure,  aver,
                                  avouch,  certify,  attest,  swear,  testify,  agree,  disagree,  asent,  dissent,
                                  acquisce,  object,  recognize,  acknowlwdge,  admit,  confess,  concede,
                                  recant,  criticize,  blame,  accuse,  calumniate,  reprimand,  castigate,
                                  denounce, boast, complain, lament
              Commissives         commit, pledge, undertake, engage, promise, hypothecate, guarantee,
              (32)                threaten,  vow,  avow,  swear,  assure,  certify,  accept,  agree,  consent,
                                  acquiesce,  abide,  reject,  refuse,  renounce,  offer,  counter-offer,  bid,
                                  rebid, tender, dedicate, wager, contract, covenant, subscribe
              Directives (56)     direct,  request,  ask,  question,  inquire,  interrogate,  urge,  encourage,
                                  discourage,  solicit,  appeal,  petition,  invite,  convene,  convoke,  beg,
                                  supplicate, beseech, implore, entreat, conjure, pray, insist, tell, instruct,
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