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                                                                                Directive Formula Types
              Formula type            Addressee         Syntactic type    Primary    Surface SP      Token
              1. Need/desire     Subordinates          Declara-tive      Directive   Expres-     I want X
                statement – S                          sentence          action      sive        I  need  two
                asserts                                                                          more copies.
              2. Imperatives
              a.  Simple         Subordinates      or  Impera-tive       Directive   Direc-tive   Leave     me
               imperative  –  S  familiar  equals;  S                    action                  alone
               commands      an  may have the right to
               action of hearer   tell H to do smth
              b.  “You”          Subordinates          Impera-tive       Directive   Direc-tive   You  get  the
               imperative                                                action                  milk.
              c.  Deleted        Subordinates      or                                            Coffee, black.
               imperative        familiar equals
              d.  Attention-                                                                     Please
              e.  Post-posed tags  Familiar equals                                               Take  some  of
                                                                                                 these,     will
              f. Rising intonation   Familiar equals                                             Give  me  a
              3. Imbedded
              –   command     is
              embedded        in
              another   linguistic
              a. Can/     could/  Unfamiliar   people;  Interro-gative    Directive   Direc-tive   1.Would you
                would you do?    people  who  fiffer  in                 action                  hand me that
                                 rank  or  who  are                                              chart, please?
                                 physically   distant;                                           2.Can     you
                                 someone  who  is  in                                            move your bag
                                 his/her  own  territory;                                        over there?
                                 someone       whose                                             3.How  about
                                 willingness to comply                                           bringing  me  a
                                 is in doubt                                                     Pepsi    when
                                                                                                 you   go    to
              b. Imbedded        Subordinates      or  Impera-tive       Directive   Direc-tive   Let’s  place  an
                imperative    –   familiar equals                        action                  order     with
                Let’s do                                                                         them
              4. Permission      Someone  who  might                     Directive               May I have X?
                directive        not  comply;  also                      action                  Can I have my
                                 used  when  there  is                                           notes back?
                                 an     obstacle   to
              5. Question                                                                        Is there any X?
                directive  –  S                                                                  Do  you  have
                asks    a    Q,                                                                  X?
                implyinh  action
                of H
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