Page 23 - 662
P. 23

a)  Police on horseback had stationed at Independence
                                           Square,  and  additional  patrol  was  posted  in  the
                                           major intersections.

                                       b)  Police  officers  on  horseback  were  stationed  on
                                           Independence  Square,  and  supplementary  patrols
                                           had been posted on major intersections.

                                       c)  Police  officers  on  horseback  were  stationed  on
                                           Independence  Square,  and  additional  patrols  were
                                           posted at major intersections.

                            6. Translate into English and reproduce the situation in which the
                            following is used.
                                             судовий психіатр
                                             непояснена трагедія
                                             бути чимось роздратованим
                                             погрожувати щось зробити
                                             відміняти щось
                                             складання внесків
                                             відкладати щось
                                             положення в законі
                                             промайнути
                                             бути безлюдним

                            7. Choose the true statement.
                                           1.  The commuters wondered where to catch buses
                                              to go to the hotel
                                           2.  They have had a lot of threats and reasons for
                                              alarm in Cincinnati.
                                           3.   Thousands of worried drivers went to stations
                                              to  fill  up  their  tanks  because  they  were  in  a

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