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P. 19

vulnerability  –  someone  who  is  vulnerable  can  be  easily
                                harmed or hurt.
                                assessment  –  a  calculation  about  the  cost  or  value  of
                                devastating – making someone feel extremely sad or shocked.
                                worship – activity of praying or singing in a religious building
                                in order to show respect and love for a God.
                                contribution – an amount of money that you give in order to
                                help pay for something.
                                pour – if lot of people or things pour into or out of a place, a
                                lot of them arrive or leave at the same time.
                                relegate  –  to  give  someone  or  something  a  less  important
                                position than before.
                                footnote  –  a  piece  of  additional  information  that  is  not  very
                                important but is interesting or helps you understand something.
                                unleaded – unleaded petrol does not contain any lead.
                                lead  –  a  soft  heavy  grey  metal  that  melts  easily  and  is
                                poisonous, used to cover roofs, or in the past, for water pipes.
                                It is a chemical element: symbol Pb.
                                 venue – a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes
                                 altering  –  to  change,  or  to  make  someone  or  something
                                 mall – a large area where there are a lot of shops, usually a
                                covered  area  where  cars  are  not  allowed,  synonym  shopping
                                magnitude –the great size or importance of something.
                                juggle – to try to fit two or more jobs, activities, etc.  into your
                                life, especially with difficulty.

                            2. Scan the text and give the gist of the article.
                            3. Reproduce the situation in which the following is used.
                                     to be strand
                                     security measures

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