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4.  TochkaRu  is  planning  to  install  450  bins  by  the  end  of
                                5.  The firm plans to install garbage bins only in Kyiv.
                                6.  Ukraine is the only Eastern European country to introduce
                                   this type of project.
                                7.  Garbage  bin  advertising  is  an  interesting  option  for
                                   tobacco manufacturers.
                                8.  A new law on advertising permits advertising of alcohol
                                   and tobacco on public transportation.
                                9.  Philip  Morris  and  Marlboro  are  the  two  largest  users  of
                                   outdoor advertising.
                                10. TochkaRu began working on the Kyiv project six months

                            8.  Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
                                1.  He decided to take a wait-and-see approach in order not to
                                   waste his money.
                                2.  Outdoor advertising is gaining popularity nowadays.
                                3.  One  hundred  illuminated  glass  garbage  bins  will  be
                                   installed in Kyiv by the end of 2004.
                                4.  Beverage  producers  were  discussing  the  new  way  of
                                   advertising their goods.
                                5.  The  manager  was  sure  that  his  project  would  be  a
                                   commercial success.

                            9.  Translate  the  following  sentences  into  English  using  the  active
                                vocabulary from the text
                                1.  Вони     обговорюють        проблему      впровадження
                                   нетрадиційного проекту ще з минулого року.
                                2.  Директор  маркетингової  фірми  наказав  секретарю
                                   негайно відправити листа.
                                3.  Вони, можливо, вже орендували місце для свого нового
                                   офісу, але я в цьому не впевнений.
                                4.  Якщо ви хочете швидко продати свою квартиру, то вам

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