Page 129 - 662
P. 129

2.  economically free society
                                3.  a decade after collapse
                                4.  to improve its score
                                5.  the highest living standards
                                6.  low corporate taxes
                                7.  to embrace economic freedom
                                8.  to make significant improvements
                                9.  to rank a position
                                10. regulation and black market activity

                            4.  Answer the following questions.
                                1.  What  did  The  Wall  Street  Journal  and  The  Heritage
                                   Foundation release in 2004?
                                2.  What position did Ukraine rank among the countries after
                                   the collapse of the USSR?
                                3.  Who was the leader of the Eastern Europe in the “mostly
                                   free” category?
                                4.  What progress did Ukraine show in 1995?
                                5.  When has Cuba made significant improvements?
                                6.  What countries are considered to be repressed?
                                7.  How  many  categories  does  the  index  reflect  in  it’s
                                8.  What  is  a  growing  economic  trend  on  the  European
                                9.  What is said about Belarus?
                                10. What  country  has  embraced  more  economic  freedom
                                   among the former Soviet states?

                            5.  Choose the correct English translation.
                            1) Гонк-Конг очолював список.
                                Hong-Kong topped the list
                                Hong-Kong was ahead of the list.
                                Hong-Kong has been a main head in the list.

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