Page 123 - 662
P. 123

If advertisers will take to the idea, the company will hope to
                                   rent space on the bins quickly.
                                If advertising take to the idea, the company hopes fast  to rent
                                   space on the bins quickly.
                                If advertisers take to the idea, the company hopes to rent space
                                   on the bins quickly.
                            6)  Інші  компаніі  обгортають  традиційні  урни  для  сміття
                            постерами, які з часом втрачають свою привабливість.
                                Another companies covered traditional trashcans with posters
                                   which lose their attractiveness over time.
                                Another companies cover traditional trashcans on posters what
                                   lose their attractiveness during time.
                                Other companies cover traditional trashcans with posters which
                                   lose their attractiveness over time.

                            6.  Translate into English and reproduce the situation in which the
                                following is used.
                                1.  урна для сміття;
                                2.  маркетингова фірма;
                                3.  напрямок у бізнесі;
                                4.  рекламне оголошення;
                                5.  обслуговування;
                                6.  інвестиційне агенство;
                                7.  додаткові витрати;
                                8.  утримання;
                                9.  турбота, хвилювання;
                                10. забезпечувати підключення до електромережі.

                            7.  Choose the true statement.
                                1.  The  marketing  firm  TochkaRu  intends  to  install  glass
                                   garbage bins.
                                2.  The bins will display free advertisements.
                                3.  More than Hr 5 million a year is not enough to install and
                                   maintain trashcans in Kyiv.

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