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civil aviation, railway transport, military personnel under disciplines,
                  as  well  as  disciplinary  liability  of  judges  and  certain  categories  of
                  officials,  whose  cases  are  reviewed  and  resolved  by  special
                  disciplinary panels.

                         From  punitive,  punitive  liability  differs  the  law  of  recovery,
                  consisting  in  the  restoration  of  illegally  violated  rights  in  the
                  enforcement  of  unfulfilled  duty.  The  peculiarity  of  this  type  of

                  responsibility is that in a number of cases the offender can, without
                  the intent of the state authorities, fulfil his duties, restore the violated
                  rights, stop the unlawful state. On this, as noted, additional sanctions
                  are imposed on the perpetrator in the process of implementing these

                  relations of responsibility (fine, fine, etc.). Responsible liability arises
                  from the moment of the offense and ends with the restoration (within
                  the  limits  established  by  the  law)  of  the  violated  law  and  order.

                  Procedural norms regulate the implementation of this type of liability
                  in  the  event  of  a  dispute  (in  court,  in  arbitration)  or  in  the  case  of
                  refusal  of  the  offender  to  restore  the  violated  law  and  order

                  (enforcement proceedings).
                         Civil  liability.  Civil  law  distinguishes  between  types  of
                  accountability according to different criteria. Thus, on the grounds of

                  rights  and  obligations  for  violation  of  which  the  responsibility  is
                  established, it is divided into contractual and non-contractual.
                         The  contract  is  considered  to  be  liability  in  the  form  of
                  indemnity,  payment  of  a  penalty,  loss  of  deposit  or  depriving  a

                  subjective right for failure to perform or improper performance of the
                  obligation arising out of the contract. Non-contractual liability arises
                  for the training of one person's wrongful acts against another in the

                  absence of an agreement between them or regardless of the contractual
                  relationship available between them. It comes for violation of the duty
                  established by the by-laws or by-laws, and is often expressed in the
                  form of damages. Thus, according to Part 1 of Art. 1195 The Central

                  Committee of the physical or legal person who has damaged the injury
                  or  other  damage  to  health  of  an  individual  will  be  obliged  to
                  compensate the wage earner (income) lost by him as a result of loss or

                  reduction  of  professional  or  general  ability  to  work,  as  well  as  to
                  offset additional expenses caused the need for enhanced nutrition, spa
                  treatment,  the  purchase  of  medicines,  prosthetics,  out-of-home  care,

                  etc. In this case, responsibility is unconventional, although the victim

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