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Що стосується Росії, як я вже говорив, у нас інші плани та інші зобов’язання перед союзниками по
відношенню до багатьох держав СНД. Ми скоротили присутність своїх військових сил і вважаємо, що це
пережиток минулого. Це було необов’язково у таких державах як В’єтнам і Куба, але в той же час ми
збільшуємо присутність своїх військових сил у державах СНД і плануємо це продовжувати.
ТЕМА 21. Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 3
Answer the following questions
1. What is a "brain-program"?
2. Explain the term “mind mapping”.
Practical task
Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 3. Exercise 3
1. Do exercise 3 from Lesson 13. Practise interpreting the speech by sentences (one long or two
short) from English into Ukrainian and vice versa consecutively.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
I, in the course of my meetings extensively and in detail explained to my NATO partners the major
principles and the objectives as pursued by the armed forces, including those which last week were endorsed in
Moscow by the President of Russia during the Defence Minister session.
ТЕМА 22. Lesson 14. Russia – NATO. Interview with S.B. Gryslov.
Part 1
Answer the following questions
1. Explain the relation between mind mapping and note taking in interpreting.
2. What should interpreters write down during the process of simultaneous interpreting?
Practical task
Lesson 14. Russia – NATO. Interview with S.B. Gryslov. Part 1. Exercise 1
1. Do exercise 1 from Lesson 14. Practise interpreting the speech by sentences (one long or two
short) from English into Ukrainian and vice versa consecutively.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
I think that one of the most important elements in all this has been taken in and I think. It confirms many
of the ideas which have been put forward recently particularly at the recent nice conference in March of this
year. I think that signing of states of forces agreement although was very important in this respect I think a fact