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P. 23
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
Хочу відзначити , що в цьому році в ці структури ми вклали більше 3 мільярдів рублів. Більш того
у нас є механізм згідно якого ці фонди буду поповнюватися щорічно. Звісно тільки в тому випадку, якщо
їх будуть ефективно використовувати. Впроваджені також спільні програми розвитку Далекого Сходу на
Байкалі, півдня і власне Російської Федерації в тому числі галузь, яка фінансується зараз . Ми підписали
конституційні угоди , і тепер інвестори можуть спокійно використовувати цей механізм, як засіб для
підписання угоди.
ТЕМА 19. Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 1
Answer the following question
1. Explain the term “short-term memory”. Provide an example.
Practical task
Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 1. Exercise 1
1. Do exercise 1 from Lesson 13. Practise interpreting the speech by long phrases (5-6 words) from
English into Ukrainian and vice versa consecutively.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
Ivanov: I would like to say from the outset no questions were put to me after my presentation. Everything
was quite clear and understandable to all. It was unanimously, practically that all the speakers after my
contribution, after my report, all the speakers after me, they pointed out the fact that in the first place they... For
the first time see in present day Russian history a possibility to openly expose our views on the development of
armed forces and key pivotal issues of international security.
ТЕМА 20. Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 2
Answer the following question
1. Explain four advantages of employing note taking techniques in consecutive interpreting.
Practical task
Lesson 13. Pess Briefing by Sergey Ivanov, Russian Minister of Defence. Part 2. Exercise 2
1. Do exercise 2 from Lesson 13. Practise interpreting the speech by sentences (one long or two
short) from English into Ukrainian and vice versa consecutively.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.