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P. 44

                                            RESERVOIR ROCKS. SATURATION

                         Task 1.  Read and memorize the following words:
                  Reservoir Rock – гірська порода, яка має        well cuttings - шлам
                  здатність накопичувати нафту; пориста
                  порода; порода-колектор
                  core – батоліт; бурова колонка; вибурена        wireline well logs – каротаж нафтової
                  порода у вигляді циліндру                       свердловини за допомогою каротажного
                  rock chips – вибурена порода, шлам              drilling mud – буровий розчин, шлам
                  flush up – промивати, змивати                   be sampled - відбиратися
                  estimate - встановити                           plug – шток (рудне тіло у вигляді циліндру)
                  sonic velocity – швидкість звуку                formation density – щільність породи, пласту
                  cutoff – гранична межа пористості               permeability - проникність
                  darcy – Дарсі – одиниця проникності             permeameter – пристрій для визначення
                  гірської породи, що характеризує породу         проникності - пермеаметр
                  nitrogen - азот                                 pore throat –поровий канал
                  wetting fluid – змочуючи рідина                 water wet – гідрофільний; той, що
                                                                  змочується водою
                  saturation - насичення                          oil field brine – бурові води; солоні бурові
                                                                  води; нафтопромислові мінералізовані
                                                                  пластові води
                  tight sand – мало пористий пісок                measure - вимірювати

                         Task 2. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian.
                         Text 1
                                                            Reservoir Rocks
                         A reservoir rock is a rock that can both store and transmit fluids. A reservoir rock must
                  have  both  porosity  and  permeability.  Porosity  is  the  percent  volume  of  the  rock  that  is  not
                  occupied by solids. These spaces are called pores. In the subsurface, the pores are filled with
                  fluids such as water,  gas, and oil. Porosity  measures the  fluid storage capacity of a reservoir
                  rock.  There  are  several  accurate  methods  to  measure  porosity  using  well  cuttings,  cores,  and
                  wireline well logs.
                         First,  when  a  well  is  drilled,  the  rock  chips  (well  cuttings)  made  by  the  drill  bit  are
                  flushed up the well by the drilling mud. The well cuttings are sampled at regular intervals. A
                  geologist  examines them under a binocular  microscope to identify the rock types  and  see the
                  pores. The geologist can often visually estimate the porosity of the rock to within 1 to 2%.
                         Second, a core is a cylinder of rock that is drilled from the well. A small plug in the shape
                  of a cylinder, 2.5 to 3.8 cm in diameter and 2.5 to 7.6 cm long, is cut from the core. The plug is
                  then dried to remove the fluids from the pores. An instrument called a porosimeter is used to
                  measure the porosity of the plug.
                         Third, accurate porosity measurements can also be made after the well is drilled without
                  taking  samples  of  the  rock  by  a  service  company  that  runs  one  of  three  wireline  well  logs
                  (neutron porosity, formation density, and sonic-velocity logs).
                         Typical porosity values for an oil reservoir are shown in Table 1. Natural gas compresses
                  and needs less porosity than an oil reservoir. Very deep gas reservoirs need very little porosity
                  because of the very high pressure.
                                                                                                        Table 1

                                                Porosity values for an oil reservoir
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49