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3.2  The force method. The canonical equation

          The force method - is the most common method of disclosure of
          statistical  indetermination  of  rods,  beams,  and  rod  systems
          (frames, arches, trusses, etc.).
          Let’s study an arbitrary  n  times statistically indeterminate beam
          (fig.  3.3  a).  By  removing  n   unnecessary  nodes  the  beam  is
                                               reformed    to    statically
                                               determinate  (fig.  3.3,  b),
                                               which is called the primary
                                               system  of  force  method.
                                               We  can  choose  n   extra
                                               nodes in different ways, i.e.
                                               for one beam we can  form
                                               several  primary  systems
                                               (you should remember that
                                               the  calculation  in  the
                                               selected  variant of  primary
                                               system must be the easiest).
                                               After   loading    primary
                                                 system  by  external  loads
                                               and   unknown      reaction
                      Figure 3.3
                                               forces X ,  X , …. X , that
                                                       1   2       n
                                               substitute  effect  of  deleted
          nodes on the beam, we obtain an equivalent system (fig. 3.3 c).
           It is necessary to choose the unknown forces X ,  X , ...,  X  in a
                                                        1    2      n
          way  that  equivalent  system  behaves  as  real.  The  condition  of
          equivalency is described by canonical equations of force method.
          For  their  records  the  motion  of  attachment  points  of  removed
          unnecessary nodes are usually equated to zero (or a known size).
          Using the principle of superposition, we can write the expression
          for calculating the beam deflection at the points of attachment of
          deleted nodes   , ...,   as the sum of deflections caused by each
                          1      n
          separately unknown  force    X ,  X , ...,  X  and given external
                                        1    2       n
          load  P :

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