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collision the component of velocity parallel to the wall is unchanged and
            the component perpendicular to the wall is reversed.
            Our program will be used to determine the number of collisions per unit
                                              time,  associated  momentum  change,  and  force

                                              needed  for  the  momentum  change  for  a  given
                                              wall  area  S.  Then  we  can  obtain  an  expression
                                              for the pressure, which is force per unit area. We

                                              let  v be  the  magnitude  of  the  x-component  of
                                              velocity of a molecule. At first we shall assume

                                              that all    molecules      have the samev  . This
                                              assumption,  though  unrealistic,  helps  to  clarify

                                              basic ideas; and we shall show soon that it is not
                       Figure 1.5.1           really necessary.
                                                                In each collision      the    change in

            x-component of momentum is  mv2               x . To find the number of collisions in a
            time    interval  t , with a given wall area   S, we note that,    in order to

            experience a collision during At, a molecule must be within a distance v
            At at the beginning of At, as shown in Fig. 1.5.2, and     must be headed
                                            toward  the  wall.  Thus  to  collide  with  S   during
                                               t  , a molecule must, at the beginning of t  , be

                                            within  a  cylinder  of  base  area  S   and  length
                                             v x  t  v   .  The  volume  of  such  a  cylinder  is
                                             S  v   x  t  .

                                                Assuming  the  number  of  molecules  per  unit

                                            volume  n       N      is  uniform,  the  number  of
                                            molecules  in  this  cylinder  is    S            v       t  .
                                                                                          V         x
                                            But, on the average, one-half of these molecules

                                            move  away  from  the  wall.  Thus  the  number  of
                       Figure 1.5.2
                                            collisions with S during    t   is

                               1    N 
                                          S  v    t                                   (1.5.2)
                               2    V 
                The total momentum change        P  due to all these collisions is
             2 mv    times the number of collisions:

                                    1    N                             N   S  m x  t 
                               P   x        S  v   t     mv 2  x                        (1.5.3)
                                    2   V                                    V
             and the rate of change of momentum is

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