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Well over 90 % of the present-day Americans, whatever their
                            origin, were born in the US.
                                Negro  Americans  are  the  nation’s  largest  distinct  minority.
                            They constitute 11 % of the population. Some 55 % of them live in
                            the central cities of the metropolitan areas.
                                The  Orientals  are  concentrated  in  the  Pacific  states,  notably
                            California. The aboriginal Indians number about 700 000 .
                                The population of the United States (about 264 million) is the
                            third  largest  in  the  world,  following  China  and  India.  Eighty
                            percent of America's population is white, which includes people of
                            European,  Middle  Eastern,  and  Hispanic  origins.  Other  racial
                            groups include blacks (12 percent), Asians (3 percent), and Native
                            Americans  (1  percent).  Hispanics,  who  constitute  an  ethnic
                            minority and can be of any race, comprise 9 percent of the total
                            population. Hispanic is an artificial term not always accepted by
                            members of that diverse group. Most Hispanics, or Latinos, prefer
                            to  be  called  by  their  country  of  origin,  for  example  Mexican
                            American. The term Hispanic is only used here to identify a group
                            that consists of many peoples otherwise too diverse to list. Indeed,
                            all  designated  minority  groups  are  represented  by  many  smaller
                            groups  with  origins  in  nearly  every  country  around  the  world.
                            Primarily  due  to  immigration,  Asians  are  the  fastest-growing
                            minority in the United States.
                                Although members of any ethnic group can be found anywhere in
                            the country, the mixture is not the same in every region. For example,
                            California's  population  is  only  57  percent  white,  while  New
                            Hampshire's is 98 percent. Hispanics reside mostly in the west and
                            southwest, while blacks live mostly in the east and southeast. More
                            than 60 percent of the people in Hawaii are Asians.
                                Whites more commonly live in rural and suburban areas, while
                            minorities  more often  live  in urban  areas.  Nearly  80 percent of  all
                            Americans live in metropolitan areas. American is the term most often
                            used to describe a citizen or product of the United States, even outside
                            of the country.
                                The  United  States'  Human  Development  Index  (0.937)  ranks  it
                            second  out  of  174  countries.  Most  Americans  enjoy  access  to  the
                            education, adequate health care, and economic prosperity needed to
                            make choices in their lives. Adjusted for women, the index (0.901)
                            ranks the United States fifth out of 130 countries.
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