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P. 30

Unit 5

                                      ECONOMY AND AGRICULTURE OF
                                                     THE USA

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            industrial - промисловий
                            oil fields - нафтові родовища
                            coal - вугілля
                            railway - залізниця
                            grain - зерно
                            per capita - на душу населення
                            wealthy - заможний
                            to earn - заробляти
                            income - дохід
                            currency - валюта

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                The  USA  is  a  highly  developed  industrial  country,  and  its
                            agriculture is highly mechanized. Coal is found in many parts of
                            the country: in the Cordillera mountains, in the state of Kansas, in
                            the east near  Birmingham  and  Pittsburg. The  USA  has  rich oil-
                            fields in California, Texas, Alaska and other regions. It holds first
                            place  in  the  western  world  for  production  of  coal,  iron,  oil  and
                            natural gas.
                                The heavy industries are for the most part in the Middle West,
                            in  the  region  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  near  Birmingham.  The
                            automobile industry and all kinds of machine-building are highly
                            developed especially in and near Detroit, in California and areas of
                            heavy industry.
                                The USA has a highly developed railway system. It also has
                            the  best  system  of  roads.  The  Great  Lakes  and  the  rivers,
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