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offices and factories that have increasingly relocated to the suburbs.
                                Americans as a nation tend to be quite mobile. Over a five-year
                            period,  one  family  in  10  moves  to  a  new  state.  In  general,  the
                            population  currently  is shifting  south  and  westward.  California  has
                            passed  New  York  as  the  most  populous  state,  although  the
                            metropolitan  area  of  New  York  City  (population:  18.05  million)
                            remains the nation's largest, with Los Angeles second (13.47 million)
                            and Chicago third (8.15 million).
                                From 1945 to 1964, the number of children born in the United
                            States increased dramatically; a total of 76 million babies were born
                            during  these  years,  now  known  as  the  "baby  boom."  As  this huge
                            group  of  «baby  boomers»  has  grown  to  adulthood,  they  have
                            significantly changed the economic, cultural and social character of
                            the American population.
                                Fashioned out of the traditions, customs and institutions of many
                            lands,  the  American  people  are  united  culturally  by  the  English
                            language and politically by a faith in democracy.

                            5.     Tell  whether  each of  the  following  statements  is  true  or
                            false according to the text. Correct the false statements to make
                            them true:

                                1.  America has long been known as an ethnic "melting pot." Its
                                    current  population  is  made  up  of  immigrants  or  their
                                    descendants from virtually every country in the world.
                                2.  Hispanics,  who  today  number  29  million,  constitute  the
                                    largest single ethnic minority in the country.
                                3.  The  Hispanic  community  is  extremely  varied  and  includes
                                    large Puerto Rican populations in many Eastern cities as well
                                    as a growing Cuban-American presence in Miami, Florida.
                                4.  Many Asian Americans live in California, where more than
                                    two-thirds  of  the  population  claim  an  Asian  or  Polynesian
                                5.  The  suburbs have  grown  faster  than  the cities,  but  middle-
                                    class residents still live in most large cities.
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