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America  has  long  been  known  as  an  ethnic  "melting  pot."  Its
                            current population is 243.4 million, made up of immigrants or their
                            descendants from virtually every country in the world. It is believed
                            that the first people to arrive—from Siberia, 10,000 to 20,000 years
                            ago -  were the Native Americans or the American  Indians. Today,
                            about 1.5 million American Indians and Eskimos live in the United
                            States, many on tribal lands set aside for them in 31 states.
                                Europe,  the  major  source  of  U.S.  immigration,  began  sending
                            colonists  to  America  in  the  early  17th  century,  primarily  from  its
                            northern and western regions. Immigration peaked in the period from
                            1880 to 1920, when tens of millions of immigrants entered the United
                            States, with the largest percentage coming from southern and eastern
                                Black  Americans,  who  today number 29  million, constitute the
                            largest single ethnic minority in the country. They were first brought
                            to the New World as slaves in the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries.
                            In the 20th century, large numbers of blacks, who historically lived in
                            the South, migrated to the industrial cities of the North in search of
                            jobs  and  a  better  way  of  life.  Hispanics,  living  primarily  in  the
                            Southwest, are the next largest ethnic minority group in the United
                            States.  Sixty  percent  are  Mexican-Americans,  with  the  remainder
                            from  Central  and  South  America.  The  Hispanic  community  is
                            extremely varied and includes large Puerto Rican populations in many
                            Eastern  cities  as  well  as  a  growing  Cuban-American  presence  in
                            Miami,  Florida.  The  U.S.  population  has  also  absorbed  nearly  3.6
                            million Asians (from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, the Philippines,
                            Vietnam,  South  Korea,  Cambodia  and  Thailand).  Many  Asian
                            Americans  live  in  Hawaii,  where  more  than  two-thirds  of  the
                            population claim an Asian or Polynesian heritage.
                                Once  a  nation  of  farmers,  the  United  States  has  become
                            increasingly urban since the 20th century. Today, 80 percent of the
                            population  live  in  or  near  cities,  and  only  two  percent  of  the
                            population live on farms. In 2003 the United States counted 26 metro-
                            politan areas of over one million people and 182 cities with 100,000
                            or more people.
                                Since 1930 the suburbs have grown faster than the cities, as mid-
                            dle-class  residents have  left  the  crowded  living  conditions of  most
                            large cities. Suburbs are defined as residential areas within commuting
                            distance to large cities. Most people who live in suburbs own their
                            homes  and  commute  to  work  in  the  city,  or  they  work  in  nearby
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