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P. 24

Unit 4

                                            POPULATION OF THE USA

                            1.     Read  and  memorize  the  following  words,  word-
                            combinations and word groups:

                            minority - меншість
                            to comprise - містити в собі, охоплювати
                            to represent - представляти
                            origin - походження
                            rural - сільський
                            urban - міський
                            violence - насильство
                            to amount - нараховувати
                            to constitute - складати

                            2.     Read and translate the text:

                                At  the  and  of  the  War  of  Independence  (in  about 1780)  the
                            United  States  had  a  population  of  between  2  and  3  million,  of
                            whom about 90 % were of Anglo-Saxon origin, most of the rest
                            were  of  negro  origin.  1920  well  over  30  million  immigrants
                            entered the country. They came from different European countries.
                                In 2002 the total population amounted to 264 million.
                                The  following  ten  states  have  the  largest  population:
                            California,  New  York,  Pennsylvania,  Texas,  Illinois,  Ohio,
                            Michigan, New Jersey, Florida, and Massachusetts.
                                 The percentage of urban population is overwhelming. Over the
                            last 20 years more and more of the population have concentrated in
                            about 10  great centers  that embrace old cities  and new suburbs.
                            Those urban regions with less than a million residents grow more
                            slowly than those with more than a million.
                                The most highly populated cities of the USA are: New York,
                            Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit, Houston, Baltimore,
                            Dallas, Washington, D.C., and Indianapolis.
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