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generally spend years developing and practicing their art of
communication. All great speakers had to learn the basics of
organization, preparation, delivery and dealing with anxiety. In order
to do anything well, it takes constant practice and a mastery of the
basics. Speaking is no different. One of the most important techniques
you can apply to become a more confident and effective speaker is to
reduce anxiety. If implemented, the following tips could help reduce
your anxiety before your next presentation:
Organize - Focus on your presentation.
Visualize - Mentally rehearse a perfect presentation with questions
and answers.
Practice - Standing up, out loud, using visual aids. Obtain
feedback from others.
Breathe - Sit up or stand erect, not relaxed. Inhale deeply a number
of times.
Focus on Relaxing!
Release Tension - Try isometric exercises. Tighten and release
your muscles. Start with toes and end with fists.
Move - Flex your muscles - don't lock! Use a cordless microphone.
Eye Contact with the Audience - Think one on one. Connect with
the audience and make yourself personable. Use the feedback and
energy you receive from your audience.
Planning your presentation is another component to becoming an
effective speaker and presenter. There are essentially two steps that
should be followed prior to delivering a presentation:
1) develop your objectives and
2) analyze your audience.
In preparation, one must identify the values, needs and constraints of
the attendees and the level of knowledge of the audience. For example,
do not use slang, jargon, acronyms, or technical terms without
explanation. It should also be determined in advance "what will work"
and "what won't work". In other words, what will gain you the most
favorable reaction. In order to ascertain these items in advance, you