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P. 47

5. Convert the following sentences, using as and the appropriate form of the verb in
                 1. 1 think it's essential to the success of the agreement, (see)
               2. She said he was unworthy of serious consideration, (dismiss)
               3. He gives the impression of being rather careless, (come)
               4.   1 think it's the best in this area.(regard)

             5.  I've never had the opinion that he was arrogant, (think)
             6.  Witnesses say the man is tall and heavily-built, (describe).

            6. Convert the verbs in brackets to gerunds or infinitives with to. The infinitives may be
            continuous (to be doing), or perfect (to have done). Add prepositions or pronouns where

               A.     Before (1. leave) _____  , Simpson advised (2. be) _____ careful  with  Benson.
               He told me Benson meant (3. have)  ____________________ my job and he was a
               man who wouldn't hesitate (4. betray) __________________ his  colleagues  by  (5.
               undermine) ______________  them behind their backs. This seemed (6 be)                     a
               little hypocritical, since that was exactly what Simpson appeared (7 do)            to Benson.

               B.     Women resent ( ____ treated  as  if  they  were  any  different  from  men,
               and naturally refuse (2. accept) _ sexist behavior on public transport, such as that of
               men who attempt (3. offer) ____ their seats. Men who insist (4. act)                in      this
               outmoded way will find that modern women do not permit them (5. do)  so.                     Far
               from (6. be)____ thanked for (7. be) considerate,  a  man's  guilty  of  such  flagrant
               sexism will be severely criticized for (8. patronize) __________women.

               We can express our  opinion and  impressions  using  as,  followed  by being and an
               adjective after certain verbs. Being can also be omitted.

               For example: I remember him as (being) a very reliable man.

            7. Convert the verbs in the brackets to gerunds, infinitives or finite verb-phrase.
               1.  He keeps healthy by making sensible decisions such as (refuse) _____ to  overeat
               and smoke.
               2.  As  soon  as  (arrive)  in  London,  I'm  going  out  for  a  business  dinner  with  our
               3.  1 think investing into this country is the same (burn)  _____________ our money.
             4. She left earlier so as (arrive) ________at the airport at plenty of time.
             5. To me watching sport on TV is not as good as (watch) ________ it live.
             6. Much as (admire) ________  his  inventiveness,  I  really  think  he  should  be  more
               in (choose)______his partners.
            7.  As far as (know) _______ _, we're not going to consider their proposal.
            8.  As well as (wind surf) __________ , he likes scuba-diving.

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