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2. Using both of the above constructions, convert each of the following sentences

               a)  Unfortunately,  many  people  think  the  environment  preservation  is  of  secondary
            importance,  b)  Witnesses  allege  that  the  police  used  excessive  force  in  the  arrest,  c)
            People  suspect  that  stress  is  a  cause  of  cancer,  d)  Many  people  consider  that  the

            government was able to provide long-term investments for the domestic producers, e)
            Brazilians claim that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time,  f) Some people still
            believe  that  the  world  was  made  in  seven  days,  g)  We  found  that  pesticides  were
            present in all foods tested, h) People report that economic reforms are gaining force in
            Ukraine, i) In the mid-eighties the company claimed that its cars were the world's best.

            3.  Make sentences of either type about the following:

             cigarettes     John F. Kennedy   Michael Gorbachev         the Leontief paradox
            the WTO     HP computers        international trade              subsidies
            tariffs        trade barriers         labor-intensive goods      capital-intensive goods.

             4.  Rewrite the sentences below from the Active voice into the Passive Voice,
             beginning with the words given. Make any other changes which make the Passive
             sentence more informative.
             a.  «It says you can't take pictures in the museum». – Cameras are …………….
             b.  «Look, it says you have to leave it at the desk.» - Cameras  ..................
             c.  «Someone is doing his house up for him.»- He ..................................................
             d.  «They had talked her into taking this job.» - She  .............................................
             e.  «Police is searching for the kid who's gone missing.» - The ...............................
             f.  «It was crazy to invest in this project.» - This .....................................................
             g.  «You'd better finish filling these documents by tomorrow.» - The documents
             h.  «OK, no problem with January.» - I assure

             5. The sentences below contain prepositional phrases and verbs. Most are possible in the
             Passive  Voice,  but  two  are  not.  Decide  which  these  are,  then  convert  the  others,
             beginning with the words given. Pay careful attention to the position of prepositions,
             and mention the agent only when necessary.
               a)  I can't stand it when people stare at me. - I can't stand .............. …….
               b)  The whole town is talking about the price increase. We ................ …….
               c)  Don't worry, someone will take care of them. Don't worry, they .. …….
               d)  We are not going to stand for it! It  ................................................................. ………
               e)  Children hate it when adults don't listen to them. Children hate…..
               f)  A team of special investigators have to look into the whole takeover.
             This whole takeover needs ……………………………………………………

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