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P. 48

8. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a phrasal verb or an expression
            ending in the preposition form the list:

                     keep on                                                 talk (someone) out of
                     instead of
                    there is no point in        take up                      make a living out of
                    as a consequence of         to do with                   get over
                    get out of                  there is no harm in          in spite of

            1.  ____________being made redundant, he lost his house, because he couldn't pay the
                mortgage any more.
            2.  Why   don't  you   do   something  practical,       making  theoretical proposals?
            3.  Why not apply for the job. You probably won't get it, but ________________
                trying anyway.
            4.  Oh no, there's Andy! Just _______________ walking as if you hadn't seen him.

            5.  The firm has never _____________the financial crises.
            6.  _____________ being popular with everyone, the product needs further

            7.  You're so lazy, you're always trying to _____________ doing any work around
                the house.
            8.  Many people have no permanent jobs, so they ________________ selling things

                in the market.
            9.  Our company ____________ developing a new marketing strategy in attempt to

                improve its market position.
            10. _____________getting angry with me, there's nothing I could do in that situation.
            11. I'm not quite sure what this letter is about, but it's something
                ______________ stopping a big supermarket from being built in the village.
            12. The Manager will listen to you, I'm sure. See if you can _________________ striking

                this contract.

            9. Select the 'ing-forms' and say whether they are a Gerund, Participle I, or a Verbal

            Noun. Give your reasons. Comment on Quotation 4.

            1.  It is a true saying that a man must eat a pack of salt with his friend before he knows
                him. (M. Cervantes)
            2.  But the real lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war (R.Emerson)
            3.  He flattered himself on being a man without any prejudices; and his pretention
                itself is a very great prejudice. (A. France)
            4.  Our teaching is not a dogma, but a guide to action. (K. Marx)
            5.  One must keep on training. (A. Chekhov)
            6.  More than an end to war, we want an end of the beginnings of all wars.
                (F. Roosevelt)
            Enthusiasm is the leaping of lightning, not to be measured by the horse-power of   the
            understanding. (R. Emerson)
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