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Guided work.   Supporting a statement through amplification  (development),
            Exemplification and rephrasing.

            A. Amplification (development).
            The lowering of trade barriers enables firms to base individual production activities
            at the optimal location. Studies show that a firm might design a product in one countri,
            produce component parts in two other countries, assemble the product in yet another
            country, and then export the finished product the world.

            The role of technological innovations in globalization can hardly be overestimated.
            In fact the Internet and World Wide Web have already developed into the information
            backbone of economy.

            B. Exemplification.
            Many countries such as the USA, the UK and  Maintain  their  historic  positions  at  or
            France.                                               near  the  top  of  the  host  countries  for
            Such countries as the USA, the UK and                 foreign direct investment inflows
            Countries like the USA, the UK and France

            There  are  plenty  of  evidence  that  the  lowering  of  trade  barriers  has  facilitated
            globalization  of  production.  For  instance,  (For  example,)  over  the  last  decade  the

            volume of world trade grew faster than the volume of world output

            Over the last few years globalization has been the target of a growing number of critics.
            Take the case of Harwood Industries, a U.S. clothing manufacturer that closed its U.S.
            operations after shifing manufacturing to Honduras where wage rates are much lower.
            Migration  of  a  low-wage  manufacturing  jobs  offshore  and  reduction  in  demand  for
            skilled workers is a case in point.
            One example is the argument about a shortage of unskilled workers. Take accusation of
            advanced nations exploiting the labor of  less developed nations for instance.

            C. Rephrasing.
            Between 1950s and 1994 the volume of world merchandize trade grew more than 6%
            per annum, while the volume of world output grew at around 40% per annum. Put it
            differently, by 1994 world output was 6 times as large as it was in 1950, while world
            trade was 15 times larger.

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