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first month, of                    Hence it is calculated
                      ‘Bank                        insurance and road                 at 25% of the van’s

            charges’, ‘overdraft                   tax.                               original cost.
            interest’ and ‘hire                            ‘Depreciation

            purchase interest’ –                   ’ – this is simply a
            we have assumed that                   way of spreading the

            avan is bought on hire                 cost of equipment,

            purchase for £6,000 in                 machinery, motor

            the first month and                    vehicles and other

            £1,000 of equipment                    assets over their

            is bought outright.                    useful lives.

            Interest is payable on                         ‘Depreciation

            the overdraft created                  of equipment’ – we

            by this and other                      have assumed the

            expenses and since the                 useful life of the

            business has an                        equipment is five

            overdraft some bank                    years and that it

            charges are payable                    depreciates at an even

            (the interest of the                   rate over its life.

            overdraft is calcula-                  Hence it is calculated

            ted as 18% on the                      at 20% of the

            average overdraft each                 equipment’s original

            quarter, and is paid                   cost per annum.

            quarterly). These are                          ‘Depreciation

            also interest charges                  of motor vehicle’ –

            on equipment bought                    we have assumed the

            on Hire Purchase.                      useful life is four

                     ‘Motor                        years and that it

            expenses’ – these                      depreciates at an even

            include the cost, in the               rate over its life.                                     10
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