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Table 1
                                             Year 1 – Profit and loss forecast for Year One
                                         July   Aug   Sept   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr  Ma  June   TOTA
                                                                                        il   y           L
                                         £     £    £    £     £    £    £    £    £    £    £    £      £
            Saless                       750   1.00  1.25  1.40  1.85  2.25  2.50  2.75  2.30  2.00  1.80  1.600   21.450
                                               0    0    0     0    0    0    0    0    0    0
            Cost of materials            150   200   250   280   370   450   500   550   460   400   360   320   4.290
            Gross profit                 600   800   1.00  1.12  1.48  1.80  2.00  2.20  1.84  1.60  1.44  1.280   17.160
                                                    0    0     0    0    0    0    0    0    0
            Administrative expensaes
            Telephone                    100   -    100   -    -    150   -   -    200   -   -    150    700
            Bank charges                 100   -    50   -     -    50   -    -    50   -    -    50     300
            Overdraft interest           -     -    136   -    -    152   -   -    99   -    -    52     439
            H.P. interest                50    50   50   50    50   50   50   50   50   50   50   50     600
            Advertising                  150   500   500   500   500   500   500   500   500   500   500   500   700
            Printing, postage and stationery   150   10   10   20   20   20   30   30   20   20   20   20   370
            Motor expenses               450   50   50   150   50   75   100   100   75   75   75   200   1.450
            Accountancy fees             -     -    -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    300    300
            Insurances                   35    35   35   35    35   35   35   35   35   35   35   35     420
            Sundry expenses              30    20   20   20    20   20   20   20   20   20   20   20     250
            Depreciation of equipment    -     -    -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200    200
            Depreciation of motor vehicle   -   -   -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1.500   1.500
            Drawings                     700   700   700   700   700   700   700   700   700   700   700   700   8.400
            Total expenses               1.765   915   1.20  1.02  925   1.30  985   985   1.29  950   950   3.327   15.629
                                                    1    5          2              9
            Net profit (loss)            (1.165  (11  (20  95   555   498   1.01  1.21  541   650   490   (2.047  1.531
                                         )     5)   1)                   5    5                   )

               Preparing profit                    on  which  to  prepare            will  neverthe-less  be

               and loss forecasts                  your own forecast.                a useful guide.

                 and cashflow                      We  hope  that  the
                   forecasts                     table  is  largely  self-                     Notes

            This is an example of                explanatory – but here               ‘Sales’ is the value
            a    “profit  and  loss’             are some notes to help               of work completed

            forecast  for  a  typical            you.  It  may  be  that              or ivoiced – whether
            self-emplo-yed                       you  have  a  different              payment is actually

            tradesman  or  woman                 pattern of income and                received at the time
            you will find forms in               expenses       but    we             the work is done or

            the  back  of  this  pack            believe these fore-cast              not.

                                                                                       ‘Cost  of  mate-
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13