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probably the most "typical" American food. But good-fried chicken also
                            has  its  champions,  as  do  hickory-smoked  or  sugar-cured  hams,  turkey
                            (which some people wanted to make the national bird), fresh    lobster,
                            and other seafoods such as crabs or clams.
                                   In a country with widely different climates and many fruit and
                            vegetable  growing  regions,  such  items  as  fresh  grapefruit,  oranges,
                            lemons melons, cherries, peaches, or broccoli, iceberg lettuce, avocados,
                            and cranberries do not have to be imported. This is one reason why fruit
                            dishes and salads are so common. Family vegetable gardens have been
                            very popular, both as a hobby and as a way to save money, from the days
                            when most Americans were farmers. They also help to keep fresh food
                            on the table. One thing that always grows is zucchini, and trying to get
                            the family to eat more of it with everything, or the neighbors to accept
                            just a few more, has become a kind of national joke. In some areas where
                            just  about  everyone  goes  fishing  now  and  then,  fish  replace  zucchini
                            ("you  caught  them,  you  eat  them").  The  first  fresh  perch  or  mountain
                            trout are quite good...
                                    The second advantage America has enjoyed is that immigrants
                             have brought with them, and continue to bring, the traditional foods of
                             their countries and cultures. The variety  of  foods and styles is simply
                                   There are four trends in America at present which are connected
                            with  foods  and  dining.  First,  there  has  been  a  notable  interest  in  the
                            number  of  reasonably  priced  restaurants  which  offer  specialty  foods.
                            These  include  those  that  specialize  in  many  varieties  and  types  of
                            pancakes,  those  that  offer  only  fresh,  baked  breakfast  foods,  and  the
                            many  that  are  buffets  or  salad  bars.  Secondly,  growing  numbers  of
                            Americans are more regularly going out to eat in restaurants. One reason
                            is  that  they  are  not  expensive.  Another  reason  is  that  many  American
                            women today do  not feel that their lives are best spent in the  kitchen.
                            They would rather pay a professional chef and also enjoy a good meal.
                            At the same time there is an increase in fine cooking as a hobby for both
                            men and women. For some two decades now, there have been popular
                            television series  on all types and styles  of cooking, and the increasing
                            popularity  can  easily  be  seen  in  the  number  of  best-selling  specialty
                            cookbooks  and  the  number  of  stores  that  specialize  in  often  exotic
                            devices and spices.
                                   A third trend is that as a result of nationwide health campaigns,
                            Americans in general are eating a much lighter diet. Cereals and grain
                            foods, fruits and vegetables, fish and salads are  emphasized  instead  of
                            heavy and sweet foods. More than one American, of course, will refuse

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