Page 21 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 21

6. How old are you?

                  7. What are your parents?

                  8. Where are your parents from?

                  9. How old are your parents?

                  10. What is your sister (brother)?

                  11. How old is she (he)?

                  12. Where do you study?

                  13. Are you a second-year cadet?

                  14. What’s your grade?

                  12. Розкажіть про себе.

                  13. Виконайте двосторонній переклад.

                   1.  Як Вас звати?                    I'm Harry Johnson.

                   2.  Звідки Ви?                       I'm from California.

                   3.  Де Ви народились?                My hometown is Los Angeles.

                   4.  Скільки Вам років?               I'm seventeen.

                   5.  Ви одружені?                     No, I'm not. I'm single.

                   6.  Де Ви навчаєтесь?                I'm  a  first-year  cadet  of  the  US  Military
                                                        Academy at West Point.

                   7.  Яке Ваше звання?                 I'm a private.
                   8.  Хто Ваші батьки?                 My father is a regular officer and my mother is

                                                        a housewife.

                                                            TEXT B

                               GRADES AND PERSONAL PAPERS OF AMERICAN


                  1.  The  various  activities  of  the  Armed  Forces  demand  different  categories  of

                  enlisted personnel and officers. The main categories of servicemen in the US Army

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