Page 17 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 17

4.  Знайдіть у тексті форми дієслова Present Perfect. Перекладіть речення

                  з цими дієсловами.

                  5.  Дайте відповіді на запитання:

                  1. What is Harry?

                  2. Where was he born?

                  3. How old is Harry?

                  4. When did he finish high school?

                  5. Who is Harry's father?

                  6. What is his father?

                  7. What is his grade?

                  8. Where do the Johnsons live?

                  9. Is their family big?

                  10. How many are they?

                  11. What is Harry's mother?

                  12. How old is his sister?

                  13. Is she married?

                  14. What is his sister?

                  15. What is Harry's brother going to be?
                  16. Does the US Military Academy at West Point train officers for the Army?

                  17. What subjects do the cadets study?
                  18. What have the cadets learned at today's lesson?

                  19. What subject is Harry good at?
                  20. What are the grades of American officers?

                                              КОМУНІКАТИВНІ ВПРАВИ

                  1. Розпитайте Вашого однокурсника, як звуть наведених нижче осіб:

                  MODEL:  What's your (your friend's) name?

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