Page 22 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 22

are  enlisted  men  (EM),  warrant  officers  (WOs)  and  commissioned  officers


          2. EM include men and non-commissioned officers (NCOs).

          3.  WOs  occupy  an  intermediate  position  between  EM  and  ComOs.WOs  are

          normally selected from NCOs and appointed by the Secretary of the Army. WOs

          usually hold positions as technical or administrative supervisors.

          4.  ComOs  include  company  officers  (CoOffs),  field  officers  (FOs)  and  general

          officers  (GOs).  ComOs  are  appointed  by  the  President  and  confirmed  by  the

          Senate.  CoOffs  are  2LT,  1LT,  CPT.  FOs  include  MAJ,  LTC,  COL.  GOs  are

          divided into BG, MG, LTG, GEN and GA.

          5. All grades of officers are divided into permanent or temporary. This means that

          a regular officer in the permanent grade of CPT may become a temporary MAJ or

          higher grade. In due time he may receive appointment as a permanent MAJ.

          6.  The  servicemen  are  issued  the  following  personal  papers:  identification  tags,

          identification cards, pay data cards, passes, driver’s licenses and ration cards.

          7. Identification tags contain the serviceman's last name, first name, middle initial,

          service number, the date of tetanus toxoid injection, blood type and religion.

          8.  The  main  document  to  identify  a  serviceman  is  identification  card.  The  card

          contains  the  name  of  the  individual,  his  grade,  arm  or  service,  service  number,
          station of issue, birth date, height, weight, colour of hair and eyes, race, sex, blood

          type, holder's fingerprints and signature of the issuing officer.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ ДО ТЕКСТУ
          enlisted men (EM)                                  рядовий і сержантський склад

          non-commissioned officer (NCO)                     унтер-офіцер (в сухопутних

                                                             військах і ВПС)

          Man                                                нижчий чин, рядовий

          warrant officer (WO)                               уорант - офіцер

          commissioned officer (Como)                        офіцер

          company officer (CoOff)                            молодший офіцер

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