Page 26 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 26

Officer (CPO) is usually addressed as "Chief". When his name or speciality isn't

          known, a seaman is addressed as a "Sailor".

          The term of respect "Sir" is used in conversation with offs and civilian officials,

          especially in answering questions - "Yes, Sir" and "No, Sir". In the conversation

          with female offs, the term "Ma’m" is used.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ ДО ТЕКСТУ

          Title                               у цьому випадку - титул (ранг)

          Courtesy                            форма звертання

          term of respect                     звертання з повагою

          ... officers are addressed          до офіцерів звертаються

          correspondence                      спілкування

          Marine                              морська піхота

          Coast Guard                         берегова охорона

          Private (PVT)                       рядовий

          Chief Petty Officer (CPO)           головний унтер-офіцер (звертання на флоті)

          regardless of...                    незалежно  від...

          in addressing to...                 при звертанні до...

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