Page 16 - The phenomenal demographic and technological changes in the 21st century
P. 16

Our family lives in the Los Angeles area. We are five. My elder sister, a

          twenty-year-old girl, isn't married yet. She is a student in Stanford University and

          she is going to be a lawyer. My mother was a doctor at a local hospital but she has

          recently  retired.  She  is  a  housewife  now  and  her  main  job  is  to  bring  up  my

          younger brother. He is still a high-school student and he is going to be a cadet like


                 The West Point is one of the most privileged military academies in the USA.

          It  trains  qualified  officers  for  the  US  Army.  The  cadets  study  different subjects

          both general and military. I'm especially good at Tactics. At our today's lesson we

          have  got  some  information  about  grades  of  American  officers.  They  are  2nd

          lieutenant,  1st  lieutenant,  captain,  major,  lieutenant-colonel,  colonel  and  general

          officers. In four years I'll be a 2nd lieutenant.

                                       КОМЕНТАРІ ДО  ТЕКСТУ

                 Hi!                                        Привіт!

                 It thanks to my father...                  Саме завдяки своєму батькові...

                 both... and ...                            як... так і ...

                                       ЗАВДАННЯ ДО  ТЕКСТУ

          1.  Прочитайте і перекладіть текст.

          2.  Знайдіть у тексті слова, які відображують рід занять. За допомогою

          якого  суфіксу вони переважно утворені ?

          3.  a) Знайдіть у тексті слова з суфіксом -ly. Яка це частина мови ?

               b) Знайдіть у тексті складені іменні присудки з дієсловом to be.

               c) Перекладіть речення з цими присудками.

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