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conjunctions like: as; because of; given that; considering that; since; about that etc.
                  Also  important  is  the  correct  and  proper  use  of  insert  words  and  expressions,

                  cautious service with winged words and other phraseologisms.
                         The main object of editing is the author's original. It can contain text, as well

                  as illustrative, audio or video parts that acting equal editing objects. In addition to
                  the author's original, in the publishing  process to a lesser extent, but always the

                  object of editing is also the publishing original of the design of the publication and

                  the  draft  of  the  publication,  when  checking  compliance,  for  example,  printing

                  regulations. Extremely rarely the object of editing can be the whole edition of the

                  publication.  In  the  publishing  process,  the  specified  editing  objects  (original

                  author,  original  publication,  publication  design,  and  draft  publication)  are

                  traditionally captured on paper. Recently, however, due to the widespread use of

                  computers in the publishing business, authors are increasingly submitting original

                  originals not only on paper but also on computer (for example, floppy disks) or on

                  computer media only. In this case, the viewing of such originals is carried out on

                  the display screen.

                         The  concept  of  editing  (French  Redaction,  Lattice  Redactus  -  proven,

                  orderly) is the processing, preparation the text for printing. Editing is a form and

                  style of expression. Edited text is a work item that is the result of processing by the

                  author or the editor.

                         Literary editing is the literary processing of the text that is being prepared

                  for printing. Editing and publishing process - providing elements of the text and

                  other materials of the original original prepared for publication, the same form, the

                  most convenient for reading the publication and any other work with it (transport,

                  storage,  accumulation  in  libraries,  quick  acquaintance,  etc.).  After  receiving  the

                  relevant material from the author, you can start editing it. For the most part in the

                  process of editing the following main tasks are solved.

                         Verification  of  the  actual  probability  of  the  material.  Complexity  of  the

                  decision of this task can essentially depend on the complexity of the project. In any

                  case, the author's competence and the probability of the material submitted to him
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