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P. 13

Unit 2
                                             Text as the main object of editing

                      I. Read the following text.

                      The text is a semantic, structural and grammatical unity of sentences, groups of

                  sentences, paragraphs, sections and other linguistic units, in which wider and more

                  complete, than in the sentence, deployed and specified thoughts, will and feelings.

                  Text is the main object of editing.

                         In speech, texts are often formed not only from sentences, but rather from

                  their collections. Because the information in the sentences is not only reported, but

                  the content of the message unfolds, that is, around the content of the core appear

                  additional  messages-sentences.  Sometimes  such  a  content  rod  is  distributed

                  between  two,  three  sentences  in  the  text.  Characteristic  features  of  the  text  are

                  syntactic  unity,  the  connectivity  of  the  constituent  units,  a  certain  intonational-

                  content community. From the point of view of the content, the text is perceived as

                  complete, united by the general theme of the meaningful whole. The text is also a

                  product of a deliberate speech act. In pragmatic direction (instrument of an act of

                  communication between the addressee and the addressee for a certain purpose) the

                  text  has  its  informative  content,  that  is,  it  covers  a  separate  fragment  of  the

                  linguistic picture of the world with varying degrees of objectivity.

                         The  text    is  the  unity  of  sentences,  arranged  in  a  certain  sequence  and

                  interconnected in content, intonation, style, orientation through various linguistic

                  possibilities.  In  speech  -  it  is  a  statement  consisting  of  a  set  of  sentences,  thus

                  forming the content and structural integrity.

                         Leading signs of the text:

                      -  more than one sentence;

                      -  presence of a set of common themes and ideas;

                      -  consistency of presentation of information and completeness;

                      -   presence of grammatical and content types of communication between units

                         of text (sentences).
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