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P. 117

                                                   LECTURE  NINE

                                        POLITENESS AND INTERACTION

                     In much of the preceding discussion, the small-scale scenarios presented to illustrate
              language in use have been populated by people with virtually no social lives. Yet, much of what
              we say, and a great deal of what we communicate, is determined by our social relationships. A
              linguistic interaction is necessarily a social interaction.
                     In order to make sense of what is said in an interaction, we have to look at various
              factors which relate to social distance and closeness. Some of these factors are established
              prior to an inter-action and hence are largely external factors. They typically involve the relative
              status of the participants, based on social values tied to such things as age and power. For
              example, speakers who see themselves as lower status in English-speaking contexts tend to
              mark social distance between themselves and higher status speakers by using address forms
              that include a title and a last name, but not the first name (for example, Mrs Clinton, Mr Adams,
              Dr Dang). We take part in a wide range of interac-tions (mostly with strangers) where the social
              distance deter-mined by external factors is dominant.
                     However,  there  are  other  factors,  such  as  amount  of  imposition  or  degree  of
              friendliness,  which  are  often  negotiated  during  an  interaction.  These  are  internal  to  the
              interaction and can result in the initial social distance changing and being marked as less, or
              more, during its course. This may result, for example, in partici-pants moving from a title-plus-
              last name to a first-name basis within the talk. These internal factors are typically more relevant
              to participants whose social relationships are actually in the process of being worked out within
              the interaction.
                     Both types of factors, external and internal, have an influence not only on what we say,
              but also on how we are interpreted. In many cases, the interpretation goes beyond what we
              might have intended to convey and includes evaluations such as 'rude' and 'inconsiderate', or
              'considerate' and 'thoughtful'. Recognizing the impact of such evaluations makes it very clear
              that more is  being communicated than is  said.  The investigation  of that impact is  normally
              carried out in terms of politeness.

                     It  is  possible  to  treat  politeness  as  a  fixed  concept,  as  in  the  idea  of  'polite social
              behavior',  or  etiquette,  within  a  culture.  It  is  also  possible  to  specify  a  number  of  different
              general principles for being polite in social interaction within a particular culture. Some of these
              might include being tactful, generous, modest, and sym-pathetic toward others. Let us assume
              that participants in an interaction are generally aware that such norms and principles exist in
              the society at large. Within an interaction, however, there is a more narrowly specified type of
              politeness at work. In order to describe it, we need the concept of face.
                     As a technical term, face means the public self-image of a per-son. It refers to that
              emotional and social sense of self that every-one has and expects everyone else to recognize.
                     Politeness, in an interaction, can then be  defined as the means employed to show
              awareness  of  another  person's  face.  In  this  sense,  politeness  can  be  accomplished  in
              situations of social distance or closeness. Showing awareness for another person's face when
              that other seems socially distant is often described in terms of respect or deference. Showing
              the  equivalent  awareness  when  the  other  is  socially  close  is  often  described  in  terms  of
              friendliness, cama-raderie, or solidarity. The first type might be found in a student's question to
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