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P. 99

b)  Many  local  companies  are  still  in  position  to  demand
                                extensive international travel.
                                      c) Most local companies are yet in position to require wide
                                international travel.
                                6.  Компанія  не  очікує  збільшення  кількості  своїх
                                корпоративних клієнтів у найближчому майбутньому.
                                      a) Company does not expect to expand its corporate clients
                                in the near future.
                                      b) Company is not expected to expand its corporate clients
                                in the near future.
                                      c) Company expects not to expand its corporate clients in
                                the future.
                                7.  Незабаром  вона  почне  користуватися    послугами
                                компанії, якщо фірми побачать в цьому вигоду.
                                      a) She will begin using her company’s services soon, once
                                firms realize the benefits of doing that.
                                      b) She will realize the benefits of her company in using its
                                      c) She will begin using her company’s services soon, once
                                firms realize the benefits of doing the business.
                                8.  Агентство  Сем  побудувало  свою  справу  на  різних
                                категоріях подорожуючих.
                                      a) Agency Sam built her business on different categories of
                                      b)  Sam  travel  agency  has  built  its  business  on  different
                                categories of travelers
                                      c) Sam agency had built its business on different categories
                                of travelers.
                                9.  Спеціальний  відділ  по  організації  турів  був  створений
                                для того, щоб зайняти більшу нішу на ринку.
                                      a)  A  special  tour  organizing  department  was  created  in
                                order to occupy a bigger share of market.
                                      b)  A  special  tour  organizing  department  has  created  to
                                occupy a bigger place on market.

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