Page 96 - 662
P. 96

                            1. Learn the glossary.
                                Affiliation  –  connection  with  an  organization,  especially  a
                                political or religious one.
                                to saturate  –1) to make completely wet 2) to fill something
                                completely with a large number of things or a big amount of
                                Accommodate  – to provide a place or room  for someone to
                                stay in.
                                Benefit  –  an  event  organized  in  order  to  make  money  for  a
                                person or a charity.
                                Triple – three times bigger than the usual size or amount.
                                Developmental – relating to the development of someone or
                                Service  –  if  someone  services  a  machine  or  vehicle,  they
                                examine it and do what is needed to keep it working.
                                Corporate – belonging to or relating to a corporation;  shared
                                by or involving all the members of the group.
                                Multinational  –  involving  people  from  several  countries;  a
                                multinational  company  has  factories,  offices  and  business
                                activities in many different countries.
                                Activity – things that people do in order to achieve a particular

                            2. Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3. Reproduce the situation in which the following is used. Translate
                            the word-combinations.
                                         To provide information
                                         To able to offer low rates
                                         Local affiliates of multinational companies
                                         To work exclusively with one travel agency
                                         Industry insiders

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