Page 82 - 662
P. 82

7.  Today, Ukrainians tend to marry and have children in their
                                   late twenties or early thirties.
                                8.  The  revised  law  will  have  nothing  to  do  with  the
                                   Ukrainian’s housing crisis.
                                9.  Andry Poliit of parliament's Committee for Youth Policy,
                                   Physical  Culture  and  Sport  said  his  committee  had
                                   initiated  the  change  in  the  age  parameters  to  provide
                                   young Ukrainians with additional social assistance..
                                10. World Bank data from 2004 shows that 50 percent of the
                                   Ukrainian population live under the poverty line.

                            8.  Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
                                1)  President  Kuchma  on  April  14  approved  amendments  to
                                   the law on social assistance and youth development.
                                2)  The term “youth” was redefined.
                                3)  The change in the age parameters was initiated to provide
                                   young Ukrainians with additional social assistance.
                                4)  More  citizens  will  have  the  right  to  long-term  housing
                                   construction and purchase credits.
                                5)  The initiative was highly praised by Oleksandr Yaremenko.
                                6)  More  scientists  will  be  able  to  obtain  grants  and  to
                                   participate in some research programs.
                                7)  Demographic  changes  and  current  economic  conditions
                                   were taken into consideration by the lawmakers.
                                8)  Only  33  percent  of  young  families  live  in  their  own
                                9)  Today, Ukrainians tend to marry and have children in their
                                   late twenties or early thirties.
                                10) Government statistics have pegged the unemployment rate
                                   among young people at 40 percent, with the largest portion
                                   of people in this category aged 21- 28.

                            9.  Translate the following sentences into English.

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