Page 78 - 662
P. 78

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                                to approve – to officially accept a new law or proposal.
                                construction –  (formal )something that has been built
                                purchase – (formal) something you buy, or the act of buying it
                                to obtain – to get something that you want, especially through
                                your own effort, skill, or work, synonym– get
                                grant – an amount of money given to someone, especially by
                                the government, for a particular purpose
                                interconnected  –  if  two  facts,  ideas,  events  etc  are
                                interconnected, or if they interconnect, they are related and one
                                is affected by or caused by the other
                                low-paid – providing or earning only a small amount of money
                                to  revise  –  to  change  a  piece  of  writing  by  adding  new
                                information, making improvements, or correcting mistakes
                                crisis  (plural crises)  –  a situation  in which there are  a  lot of
                                problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation
                                does not get worse or more dangerous
                                fund  –  an  organization  that  collects  money,  for  example  to
                                help people who are ill, old etc
                                dormitory  1  (especially  British  English)  a  large  room  for
                                several people to sleep in, for example in a boarding school or
                                hostel  2  (American  English)  a  large  building  at  a  college  or
                                university where students live
                                eligible  –  someone  who  is  eligible  for  something  is  able  or
                                allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

                            2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3.  Reproduce the situation in which the following is used. Translate
                                     social assistance
                                     to apply to smb.
                                     to initiate the change
                                     age parameters

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