Page 79 - 662
P. 79

  long-term housing construction
                                     to obtain grants
                                     to praise the initiative
                                     current conditions
                                     state fund
                                     rent apartments

                            4.  Answer the following questions.
                                1)  Who approved amendments to the law on social assistance
                                   and youth development?
                                2)  In what way is the term “youth” redefined?
                                3)  Why was the change in the age parameters initiated?
                                4)  What do the new parameters mean?
                                5)  Why did Oleksandr Yaremenko praise the initiative?
                                6)  What effect will this revised law have?
                                7)  What does Natalia Foliovchuk say about the revised law?
                                8)  Only  33  percent  of  young  families  live  in  their  own
                                   apartments, don’t they?
                                9)  What does World Bank data from 2004 show?
                                10) What  was  found  by  the  Pew  Research  Center  for  the
                                   People and the Press?

                            5.  Choose the correct Ukrainian translation.
                                1)  More scientists will be able to obtain grants.
                                   a)  Більше науковців будуть мати можливість отримати
                                   b)  Більшість науковців будуть отримувати нагороди.
                                   c)  Більше  науковців  зможуть  отримувати  наукові
                                2)  He praised the initiative, saying that lawmakers have taken
                                   into consideration not only demographic changes.
                                   a)  Він  схвалює  ініціативу,  говорячи,  що  законодавці
                                       приймають до уваги не лише демографічні зміни.

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