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TiO  sub  (2)  slurries//  Critical  Issues  in  Water  and  Wastewater  Treatment
                     National Conference on Environmental Engineering 1994. Proceedings. Publ by
                     ASCE, New York, NY, USA, p. 751].

               3.2.3. Summary-conclusion, examples

               •     «Our  exploration  of  intentional  ascription  in  autistic  children  has  brought  the
                     following points to the foreground. I started off by arguing in favor of a radical
                     distinction between ascription ability and folk theory of  mind. I examined the
                     sentential account of ascription content because it is a most appealing account
                     for  many.  However,  I  found  that  it  is  inappropriate  to  understand  cases  of
                     incomprehensible  linguistic  behavior.  Finally,  1  have  outlined  a  theoretical
                     background for the  study of intentional ascription ability in autistic children.»
                     [B.  de  Gelder.  Intentional  ascription,  autism  and  troubles  with  content.//  Jef
                     Verschueren, ed. Pragmatics at Issue. John Benjamins, 1991, v.l.J.
               •     «In this paper, we have presented a set of experiments that introduce students to
                     uitrafast science. We have discussed the relationship between the description of
                     an ultrashort laser pulse in the frequency domain and the time domain. Using
                     experimental results we have demonstrated that this relationship is constrained
                     by the lower limit of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Students carrying out
                     the  experiments  will  become  familiar  with  uitrafast  techniques,  such  as
                     autocorrelation and laser cavity design, as well as various other concepts such as
                     dispersion, interference, and nonlinear optics". [T.D. Donnelly, Carl Grossman.
                     Uitrafast  phenomena:  A  laboratory  experiment  for  undergraduates//  American
                     Journal of Physics, 1998, N 8.]

                     3.3. Review
               •     This book is a collection of articles on P/ incorporates sociology/ the diversity of
                     kinds of information on/ reflects the current knowledge in P/ educational uses of
                     computers. The author frames the central question of his monograph as follows:
                     «P»;  in  answer  to  the  question,  the  author  proposes  Q/  pursues  the  question
                     whether P by breaking it down into two subquestions, R and Q. Accordingly, the
                     book/ paper falls into two halves: P and Q. The (methodological) (sub)question
                     discussed  in  Part  1  of  this  monograph,  reads  as  follows:  P.  The  bulk  of  this
                     chapter is devoted to P. In F's approach P is viewed as Q. F develops an account
                     which  brings  out  a  picture  of  P,  treating  a  number  of  problems  that  have
                     traditionally been recognized to be especially problematic areas for Q theories,
                     and  then  proceeds  to  investigate  the  nature  of  R  and  sets  out  to  provide  a
                     definition for Q The author brings the following example into the discussion, P.
                     F's approach does go a little way towards accounting for P. F's conclusions focus
                     on aspects such as the fact that P. F is backing up his argument with data on P.
                     In addition to the fact that Q, F's models offer a number of other differences: P is
                     defined with respect to a fixed set of features. The conclusions/ findings/ results
                     of F's study lend some support to the expectation that P/ further elucidate the
                     processes of P. F's investigation provides evidence with respect to the role of P
                     in R.
               •     The book has a variety of virtues; I do, however, have certain criticisms. One

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