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P. 145
Practicing disciplined prioritizing is a skill that takes practice. Even the most organized
people can use practice and you can always get better. Your values and your goals will
influence your priorities and may be different at work or at home or in another context.
Try to challenge yourself to be cautious in the use of allocating an A priority to
everything and push yourself to quickly get through your A priorities so you can spend more
time on your B’s.
What do you think about this method? Does somebody use it? Is it effective?
Which methods of prioritizing do you know?
One more method we’ll speak today is 80/20 prioritization rule
80/20 Rule is the key reason why the system of prioritization works. According to this
technique, 80% of typical activities contribute something like 20% to the value of our work. It
means that 80% of the project’s benefits come from 20% of the time spent by its staff. When
you do only the most important 20% of your tasks, you get most of the value.
But how can we define what tasks must be included in this 20%?
Task 2. Homework
For the next time your homework is to do your own list using the A,B,C, 1,2,3 method of