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computer, but it’s no use telling her. At least my computer is fixed and I can keep working.

                         Task 3. Translate the sentences that follow
                         1. Коли я повертаюся на роботу, я сідаю навпроти свого комп'ютера. 2. Коли я
                  повернуся  на  роботу,  мені  доведеться  попрацювати  над  доповіддю.  3.  На  жаль,  вчора
                  мені двічі доводилось завантажувати (boot up) і перезавантажувати (reboot) комп'ютер. 4.
                  Я ще не видрукував примірника доповіді. 5. Я вже три години чекаю на комп'ютерного
                  техніка. 6. Якщо вона допоможе з моїми проблемами, я зможу працювати знову. 7. Хіба
                  я зробив щось погане? 8. Не примушуйте мене думати, що я зробив щось погане. 9. Мені
                  не слід цього робити. 10. Мені не слід було цього робити.11. Коли вона приїхала, то сіла
                  за  моїм  комп'ютером  і  ставила  багато  запитань,  щоб  вияснити,  в  чому  можлива
                  проблема.  12.  Я  вже  чверть  години  розповідаю  їй  про  все,  що  вона  запитує.  13.  Ви
                  більше не повинні мати проблем тепер – якщо тільки не будете неправильно поводитись
                  із  комп'ютером.  14.  Я  ніколи  не  роблю  цього,  але  їй  марно  про  це  говорити.  15.
                  Принаймні, мій комп'ютер полагоджено, і я можу продовжувати працювати.

                         Task  4.  Make  up  dialogues  using  the  following  hints  and  expressing  your  own
                         -      I don't think children  learn  much  from computers. They can't learn about life
                  from a computer. And they can't do their homework if they play computer games all the time.
                         -      The Internet is very useful. There is more information on the Internet than in the
                  world's biggest library.
                         -      Computers are bad for your health. In the past, children ran around and played
                  sports. Now they just sit at home.
                         -      Computer games are great! They’re  better than  TV. On TV  you can  watch  a
                  space ship, but in a computer game you can fly a space ship!
                         -      I’ve got friends all over the world. I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them
                  all well because we send e-mail to each other. My computer is the door to the world!
                         -      When  the  children  play  with  computers,  they  learn  to  understand  them.
                  Computers are going to be very important in the future. So children should play with them and
                  learn about them.
                         -      A lot of children spend too much time| with computers. They start playing and
                  then they can't stop. They don't talk to anyone, they just sit and look at the computer for hours
                  and hours.
                         -      A lot of computer games are very bad. There is a lot of shooting and killing.
                  These games are worse than TV. You see bad things on TV, but in computer games you do bad
                  things. It can't be good for you.

                         III HOME ASSIGNMENT

                         Task 5. Each eight word in the text is omitted. Try to guess it. Translate the text
                                                       An Electronic Computer
                         As you know, electronic computers can solve  ___ problems, answer difficult questions,
                  translate articles into ___ foreign language and do many other things.
                         ___ day, Field-marshal Montgomery was given a computer ___ was able to solve all the
                  possible ___ problems.
                         The Field-marshal was very pleased, as ___ was trying to find an answer to ___ difficult
                  problem at that moment. The adjutant ___ the computer into operation and the Field-marshal
                  ___ the problem, which was the following: “The ___ has just opened fire from the South. ___
                  German tanks have appeared in front ___ our lines… We have shot down two ___ planes …”

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