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bill. We forgot to ask for separate checks so we all pay together. That was a good lunch. It
                  was certainly better than the bag lunch I usually bring from home!
                         1  Це  бачок  з  охолодженою  водою  для  пиття.  2  Ми  розмовляли  про  вчорашню
                  телевізійну  програму.  З  Про  що  ви  розмовляєте?  4  Налийте  мені,  будь  ласка,  трохи
                  кави. 5 Налити вам в кружку чи в чашку? 6 Я така голодна і так хочу пити. А де наш
                  кавник? 7 Я піду до автомата і куплю кілька батончиків. 8 Хоча я й дуже голодний, але
                  їсти картопляні чіпси не буду. 9 Я вже випив трохи чаю і почуваюся набагато краще. 10
                  Ви вже півгодини п’єте чай, а коли будете працювати? 11 Троє наших співробітників
                  вже  пообідали  у  ресторані,  що  через  дорогу.  12  Я  рада,  що  ми  пришили  раніше,  до
                  напливу людей. 13 Адміністратор провела нас до столу і прийняла наші замовлення на
                  напої. 14 Вен пішов до стійки з супом і салатом і набрав величезну тарілку їжі. 15 Ми з
                  Діаною чекаємо поки принесуть наше замовлення.

                         Task  4.  Read,  translate  and  comment  on  the  following  Responsibilities  of  Civil
                         -      Observance of the Constitution of Ukraine and other Ukrainian legislative acts;
                         -      Support of effective work and implementation of tasks assigned by state bodies
                  in accordance with their competence;
                         -      Prevention of violation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
                         -      Direct implementation of official authorities vested in civil servants, timely and
                  definite fulfilment of decisions of state bodies or officials, directives and instructions of their
                  immediate superiors;
                         -      Preservation of state secret, information about citizens that civil servants may
                  get in the line of duty and other information that can not be made public in accordance with the
                  laws currently in effect;
                         -      Constant  improvement  of  civil  service  and  increase  the  level  of  professional
                         -      Diligent performance of the official authorities, initiative and creativity in work

                         III HOME ASSIGNMENT
                         Task 1. Write down your answers to the following questions:
                         1)     Tell about one of your favorite restaurants.
                         2)     Where is it? Describe the ambience.
                         3)     What kind of food do they serve there?
                         4)     Is there one dish that you usually order?
                         Task 2. Перекладіть речення.
                         1. I expect him to come. 2. I know her to be a good engineer. 3. I like her to sing. 4. He
                  heard a car approaching the house. 5. I heard  him tell the teacher about it. 6.I heard him
                  telling the teacher about it. 7. Nobody noticed him come in and sit down. 8. We watched the
                  children playing in the garden. 9. I want you to make a speech. 10. Why do you let him shout at
                  the children? 11. I like people to tell the truth. 12. He made me repeat my words several times.
                  13.  We  consider  all  the  bodies  to  consist  of  atoms.  14.  I  thought  our  delegation  to  leave
                  Moscow yesterday. 15. I wish you to complete your tests as quickly as possible.

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