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people’s real incomes went up by 21%  and many other things too. I am very happy with the nation’s economic
      potential and the social and humanitarian potential of its people. These are changes which the country has been
      waiting for a long time.
          -  Why didn’t you support the idea of a referendum on the status of the Russian language and on Ukraine’s
      joining NATO?
          -  I am not sure the language of another country lets us identifying ourselves as Ukrainians. It’s not even
      worth the discussion. Secondly, the linguistic politics which features in the Ukrainian constitution gives precise
      details on the development of the Russian language or any other minority languages. Our doctrine on language
      is clearly inspired by the European language charter, it corresponds exactly. Now on NATO: noone has asked
      us whether we want to join NATO or not, the time will come when we will be asked and we will give a national
      response. I’ve already said that for Ukraine joining NATO is not a question for a national referendum. There are
      no discussions on that subject. The answer will come from the people.
          -  Is European integration a national issue in Ukraine?
          -  It’s  very  current.  Deep  inside  society  sees  it  quite  simply.  Right  now  the  EU  is  the  Ukraine’s  main
      trading partner and each year these relations develop a little more, each year we reach into new corners of the
      European market. It was very important for us to sign the three year EU Ukrainian deal which is bringing a
      success. It already applies to more than seventy different fields. We’ve signed the common energy system deal,
      there is the resolution adopted on the Odessa pipeline, from Brody to the EU.  There are agreements on outer
      space, air space and other fields. Now Ukraine is knocking on the door of the World Trade Organization. We
      believe that membership could improve relations with our neighbors, large and small. But above all the EU is
      already a topical subject which touches Ukrainian citizens in everyday life.
          -  Ideally how do you see Ukraine’s short term future?
          -   It’s a European country, it’s a democratic country, it’s a country where the principle democratic values
      are clearly and  irrevocably  fixed. Starting with the right to choose ending with the  freedom, the  freedom of
      speech. It’s a country which I ‘m sure will set the standards in human rights and law, we will bring corruption
      to an end, it will become the thing of the past, an evil which touches all spheres of society. We talk publicly
      about it and we publicly fight against it. And I’m sure we’ll succeed. I am sure we’ll be the country of affluence
      and the human dignity, a country which will enjoy fair, open and friendly relations with its neighbors, be it in
      economic, social or humanitarian spheres. I am very optimistic about Ukraine’s prospects because it’s a country
      which  has always  been at the center of Europe. When I talk about European values I know  my  country has
      contributed to them at great cost. Ukraine has helped shape European policy.
          -  Thank you, Mr President.

             В  апреле  Президент  Украины  Виктор  Ющенко  принял  решение  о  роспуске  парламента  и
      проведении досрочных выборов. Позже они были назначены на 30 сентября. По мере приближения этой
      даты напряжение политического противостояния на Украине стало нарастать. Корреспондент Евроньюс
      отправился в Киев. Лидер крупнейшей в стране Партии регионов, Премьер-министр Виктор Янукович,
      от интервью в последний момент отказался. А Президент Виктор Ющенко, которого поддерживает блок
      Наша Украина –Народная Самооборона, ответил на интересовавшие Европу вопросы.

          -  Господин  Президент,  добро  пожаловать  на  Евроньюс.  Приближаются  внеочередные
      парламентские выборы. Вы инициировали их проведение еще весной. Почему?
          -  Ситуация довольно проста. В парламенте, после проведения честных, демократических выборов,
      начался пересмотр результатов голосования. Партии большинства начали на коррупционной основе, за
      деньги, скупать депутатов из других фракций. Сначала два, потом еще два, потом еще тринадцать, затем

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