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2.      The  fifth  century  A.D.  several  of  Germanic  tribes
                            (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) migrated across the sea now known as
                            the English Channel to the British Isles. They were controlled by
                            Celts. Since this period in English words from Celtic (a cradle, a
                            river, a water), from Latin (a street, a wall) appear.
                                  3.      The  seventh  century  A.D.  This  century  was
                            significant  for  the  christianization  of  England.  Latin  was  the
                            official language of the Christian Church. It is a period of the Latin
                            borrowings (a priest, a bishop, a scholar, a magister).
                                  4.      From the end of the 8th c. to the middle of the 11th
                            c.  England  underwent  several  Scandinavian  invasions,  which
                            inevitably  left  their  traces  on  the  English  vocabulary  (to  die,  to
                            cast,  a  law,  a  husband,  a  ski  (all  combinations  with  sk-),  weak,
                                  5.      1066. It is Empire of Norman Conquest. The epoch
                            can well  be called eventful  not only  in  national, social, political
                            and human terms, but also in linguistic terms. England became a
                            bilingual  country.  There  are  a  lot  of  French  borrowings  in  this
                            period  (a  goverment,  a  power,  a  court,  a  judge,  an  army,  an
                            enemy, a science, a pen, an autumn, a dinner, a plate).
                                  6.      The  Renaissance  period.  Since  this  period  once
                            more a lot of borrowings from Latin and Greek (major, intellegent,
                            to elect, to create, a datum, a music, an atom, an esthete), Parisian
                            dialect of French (a police, a scene, a machine, a technique).
                                  The historical survey is far from complete.
                                  Due  to  the  historical  facts  of  Ukrainian  origin,  we  would
                            present some of them:
                                  1.      Prehistorical period (near 7th— 6h cc. B.C.). There
                            are a lot of words from Indo-European vocabulary (жінка, ворог,
                            моряк,  вітер);  Latin  borrowings  (Брут,  арена,  імена).  Since
                            6th—  7th  cc.  A.D.  there  are  some  influences  from  Serbian  and
                            Croatian languages (весело, неділя, літо, вабити, травень). By
                            XI  c.  any  informations  about  Ukrainian  language  had  not

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