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To  obtain  quantitative  estimates  of  material  properties  the
           machine  diagram  С    is  rebuilt  in  the  diagram        by
                                                                 x     x
           dividing  the  force  P  into  the  initial  cross-sectional  area  A   and
           elongation of the sample  l  into its original length  l .
             In fig.2.9 the diagram of a typical tensile of mild steel is shown.
           The points mark the most characteristic aspects of the deformation
           of the material.
             The greatest stress, when we can still use Hooke's law (point A)
           is called the limit of proportionality  .
             The greatest stress when the material does not receive residual
           deformations (point B) is called boundary of elasticity  .
             Liquid limit  – stress when there is the growth of deformation
           at  a  constant  load  (point  C).  For  materials  that  do  not  have  the
           marked  liquid  area  on  the  diagram,  the  concept  of  conventional
           liquid  limits  is  introduced:              -  a  stress  when  the  residual
           strain is 0.2%.
             Ultimate  tensile  strength   –  stress  that  corresponds  to  the
           largest load at which the sample is not destroyed (point D).
             When the diagram reaches the point K, the sample is destroyed.
           The force corresponding to that point is called destructive. At first
           glance, there is a paradoxical situation – the sample is destroyed
           under  the  force  that  is  smaller  than  the  one  it  had  just  endured.
           This is because the built diagram is relative, it does not take into
           account the reduction in cross-sectional area of the sample during
           the deformation. It is especially noticeable in the area of DK.
             To the point D the deformation is evenly distributed along the
           length of the sample. Further tensile is accompanied by localized
           plastic  deformation.  There  is  a  local  constriction  of  the  sample
           (neck),  leading  to  the  rapid  growth  of  true  stresses.  True  stress
                                            к   ,
                                       іст к
             where А к – cross sectional area in a crack of the sample.
             Conditional  stress  diagram  can  be  used  to  determine  the
           Young's modulus. From fig.2.9 we have

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