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                                      Figure 1.12

             Physical  hypothesis  (hypothesis  of  no  pressing  fibers)  is  as
           follows. If  you think that the core consists of  longitudinal  fibers
           (rod of infinitely small cross-section), then in the deformation of
           the  rod these  fibers  do  not  press  one  another  and  under  normal
           stresses they may only undergo linear stretching or compression.
             Geometric hypotheses (Bernoulli’s hypotheses) are as follows:
             -  cross sections that were flat before the deformation remain
                 flat during the deformation (fig.1.12, a);
             -  cross sections that are normal to the axis of the rod before
                 the  deformation  remain  orthogonal  to  the  axis  during  the
                 deformation (fig.1.12, b).

           Questions for self-assessment

           1. Give the definition of deformation.
           2. What deformation is defined as elastic and plastic?
           3. What do you mean under the terms: strength, rigidity and
           4. Which basic tasks do the science of strength of materials study?
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