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x 
              X   N   P  0      M  i x    M   M  x   0P   
                i    x     xi                                   
                                                               
              Y   Q   P   0 ;
                                               y 
               i    y     yi          M  i y    M   M  y    0P        (1.1)
              Z   Q   P   0                                
                i   z     zi    
                                      M i z    M   M z     
                                               z 
             If the object of study is the core of x axis, the force  N is called
           longitudinal  and  moments M ,  M   and  M   -    twisting  and
                                        z     y         x
           bending, respectively.

           1.6 The concept of stress

             In order to establish the law of distribution of the internal forces
           of elasticity in the body section, the concept of degree of intensity
           – stress is introduced.
             In the neighborhood of an arbitrary point K of the body section
           let  choose  an elementary area  A  (fig.1.10, a). The ratio of the
           resultant  internal  forces  of  elasticity R ,  resulting  in  a  unit
           platform,  to  the  area  of  this  platform   is  called  the  average
           stress in the neighborhood of K. In levying the platform  A  we get
           the true stress  S  at the point K (fig.1.10, b)
                                              R
                                     S   lim    .
                                          A 0   A
             Stress - the value of a  vector that is characterized by quantity
           (module), direction and point of application. Unit of  measure of
           stress is  S   Pa .

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